December 18, 2023

Kairos Academies recently received its Annual Performance Report (APR) scores from the state of Missouri. As a reminder, the APR is the state’s measurement tool to evaluate school districts. APR scores are based on many factors, including academic achievement, academic growth, graduation rates, attendance, and test participation.
We are pleased to report that from 2022 to 2023, Kairos students grew much faster than from 2021-2022—and than their peers statewide.
Kairos earned an 85% score for student growth in math (compared with 39.2% in spring 2022)
Kairos earned 82.5% score for student growth in science (ranking first in the city for science growth)
Students who are historically underserved also excelled in their academic growth, demonstrating equitable support at Kairos.
Kairos earned a 90% score for underserved student math growth (compared with 41% last year)
Kairos earned a 68.3% score for underserved student science growth
We also want to inform you that the Missouri Department of Education (DESE) made an error in calculating our student test participation. This error meant that Kairos’ English test data was excluded entirely from our APR score, resulting in a score of 0 in this section. Similar errors have also impacted several other schools. As a result, we have submitted a formal request to DESE to correct our APR score. Kairos families should look out for an invitation to discuss this and other academic data in early February after our winter NWEA testing.
While we recognize we have room for even more growth, we are proud of our students' academic gains over the past year. This progress is a tribute to the hard work of our students, families, and teachers.